

Primary Year - Adelaide Botanic Garden Excursion

Botanic Gardens Excursion

Primary Years students are invited to participate in the Term 3 excursion to the Adelaide Botanic Garden. The excursion is an opportunity for students to meet classmates and teachers and participate in real-life experiences to further enhance and embed current learning around biological sciences.

  • Date: Friday the 27th of September 2024
  • Location: Adelaide Botanic Garden, North Terrace Adelaide, 5000.
  • Time: 11:45 am – 2:30 pm

Students will meet teachers at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens (at the Kitchen Garden Gate, near the Wetlands bridge) for a 12:00pm program start time.


11.45am - Meet at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens - Kitchen Garden Gate, near the Wetlands bridge.
12.00pm - 1.00pm - Little Sprouts Kitchen Garden Program
1.00pm - 3.00pm - BYO Picnic Lunch
1.30pm - 2.15pm - Teacher Led Plant Adaptions Trail
2.15pm - Wrap up and conclude excursion by 2.30pm

To attend the event:

Students will be required to organise their own way to and from the Adelaide Botanic Garden.

There is a fee of $6 per student to be paid by Friday 20th September 2024.
Please use the account details below:
Account: Open Access College BSB: 105-069
Account Number: 278824640 Reference: Student Name + Botanic Garden

Please refer to the attached consent form for further details.
Return the completed consent form and media consent to Student.Services805@schools.sa.edu.au by Friday 20th September 2024. Please contact, Kiah Payne if you have any queries or concerns Kiah.Payne917@schools.sa.edu.au or by telephone 8309 3590.

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Last updated: 25 September 2024