

STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress 2024 Excursion

STEM Conference

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learner community students are invited to participate in the STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress 2024.

The STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress 2024 is an opportunity for students to be engaged and inspired to be the next generation of young Aboriginal scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians for students in years 6 to 10.

Location: Adelaide Convention Centre – Central Entrance (North Terrace)

Date and Time:

  • Day 1: Thursday 29th of AUGUST 2024
    8:30am to 3:15pm
  • Day 2: Friday 30th of AUGUST 2024
    8:30am to 2:40pm

Please refer to the attached consent form for further details.

Please return the completed consent form and media consent to Student.Serivces805@schools.sa.edu.au by Monday the 26th of August 2024.

Please contact, Yasmina Holder if you have any queries or concerns yasmina.holder740@schools.sa.edu.au or by telephone 8309 3510.

Documents & Downloads

Last updated: 22 August 2024